New Procedure Brings Relief from GERD

Heartburn, regurgitation and other symptoms create ongoing discomfort for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Antacids and medications called protein pump inhibitors (PPI) bring short-term relief, but they don’t solve the root cause of GERD.

Now, people with GERD can get long-term relief from a safe and innovative, minimally invasive surgical treatment available at Grand View Health. The procedure, called transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF), eliminates the sources of heartburn and other symptoms with no incisions and no implants.

“The root cause of GERD is a malfunctioning valve that allows stomach acid to leak back into the esophagus,” explains Michael Fishman, MD, a board-certified, fellowship-trained general surgeon with Grand View Health Surgery.

During a TIF procedure, performed through the mouth, Dr. Fishman uses an endoscope and specialized instruments to restore the gastroesophageal valve to its natural state. Surgeons can also repair hiatal hernias (a common cause of GERD) during a TIF procedure.

Typically, patients will see a gastroenterologist to confirm diagnosis of GERD and/or acid reflux disease. An Upper Endoscopy will be needed to assure you are an appropriate candidate for the TIF procedure.

“Because TIF is incisionless, patients have very little pain after the surgery and recover faster,” Dr. Fishman says. “Most patients are fully healed in four-to-six weeks and can go off of their daily PPIs for good.”